Archive of ‘My News’ category

Ms. Rubis, passed Board Exam and got a Job

Ms. Novalyn Marquez Rubis is one of the 7,149 passers out of 28,764 examinees (Secondary Level) in the previous Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) held last March 11, 2012 in 12 testing centers all over the Philippines. She is now a graduating student for the Masters of Education (MAed) at Isabela State University – Echague Campus.

With God’s blessing, she was hired as an English instructor in her Alma Mater (ISU-Echague) this School Year 2012-2013 after applying to 6 schools and universities in the province.

To know more about her, you can visit her facebook @

Congratulations, my comely cousin! Cheers!

#8 Have you ever asked why?

…the “Latter-day saints” believe that god is man?

The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints’ Lexicon of doctrines cites Doctrines and Covenants as teaching that the Father in heaven is a man with a body of flesh and bones and who became God by reaching glory and perfection:

“God the Father is a glorified and perfected Man, a Persanage of flesh and bone[D. & C. 130:22], in which tangible body and eternal spirit is housed.” (Bruce R. McConkie. Mormon Doctrine. P.30)

But, this directly opposes the teaching of the Bible that the true God is not man in nature but a spirit having no flesh and bones:

“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent.” (Num. 23:19 , NKjv)

“God is Spirit.” (Jn. 4:24,lbid., emphasis ours)

“Behold My hands and my feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” (Lk.24:39,lbid)

WiFi Anywhere inside the Campus

Wooh! There were two Wifi HotSpots in Isabela State University – Cauayan Campus located at the Administration building and at College of Computing and Information Technology (CCIT).
With your laptops, netbooks, notebooks, PDAs, wifi capable mobile phones, and even desktop computers can now connect to the Internet. You can stay anywhere inside the campus or even at your boarding house which is approximately 50-100 meters away from the university’s location. But you must remember that the farther you are from the wifi location, the slower you have internet connection. By the way, this Wifi project by the university will be available free for a month, and can be accessed using a security password on the next months.

Password changes every week. You can ask for the password by sending

to 2327 .

It will be posted also every monday at the ISU – Student Center (Pavilion).


Note:  This is one of my plan for our campus. But sadly, after installing those Wifi routers connected via a cable wires, two (ITE, & Hostel) fails after one month of dry run. It was only the line of Guidance>Law>IT worked well in that test period. In preparation for the ROTC Tactical Event, the officers trimmed down branches of acacia trees, and maybe they accidentally cut down our cable lines too.

Who Am I?

I am Erick – the Lovescripter, a Sagittarian. Optimistic and freedom-loving. Jovial and good-humored. Honest and straightforward. Intellectual and philosophical.

I started being aware about this limitless cyberspace since 2000 having my emails in yahoo such as era2k1ph, sniperguy, ramerboyz, dr_arithmetic, dwizard, nh4no4, mizrach219, and lovescripter21. I also got lovescripter01 to lovescripter80 at google mail. haha! Using these emails for my absolutely free 24/7 internet (no fee, zero cost). By the way, if you ever met a name as hack8hide in forums, that’s me. I love surfing the net. How I wish one day has 72 hours. Hehe! Just visit my personal website to know more from me.


The LoveScripter Chess. Yes it was a chess which can be played by three players. I created this logo and make it as my banner ‘coz I love chess even this times I’m not active player. The logo consists of three colors (blue, red, green) that corresponds to each player of the game. Three different colors that describes my personality. 
RED: Passion, very active, (deep red) over active, (dull red) burned out, (bright red) sexy/horny, leadership, love of sports, challenge, courage, practical, desire for possessions, sense of adventure, and a survival instinct. Most children have bright red auras – especially males. They are very active and ‘on the go’. Reds like a challenge, is a force of will, hard workers, like to achieve results and success. They do not punch a time clock, and work till they drop.
BLUE: Communication, loyalty, good listener, contentment, peaceful, caretaker, calmness, patience, sensitive, honest, empathic, generous, warmhearted, and often times spiritual. Blue indicates a depth of feeling; love, truth, trust, dedication, tranquility, tenderness and affection. Blues cannot think of sex unless they are in love. Blues convey wisdom, and are reliable. A good talker!

GREEN: Healing, teaching, caring, high self-esteem, tenacity, money, harmony, balance, and growth. A rich dark green is abundance, prosperity and wealth. Greens (bright) are driven to be successful and often own their own business, are goal-oriented and make lists (check them off as they complete a goal). Greens need to be in control. Family matters and parenting are important to them. Medical professionals and people involved in the healing arts of any kind often have greens strongly in their auras.
It has 96 squares which will be filled up by 3 groups of 16 chess pieces. If you feel like you are challenged of playing this Lovescripter’s version of chess, you can make it and play it with your friends.

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