Archive of ‘Stuff4Sale’ category

VB 6.0 Sample Programs

A module that contains collection of Sample Programs How To’s based from Visual Basic 6.0. Ā From basic programs to database programming is included in this module.

If you want to have your own copy of this, buy yourself now.


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Instructional Material in Computer 12

A thesis presentation package that discusses computer applications especially word processing thru MSWord, spreadsheet thru MSExcel, and presentation package thru MSPowerpoint.

It gives thorough explanations of the wholeness of a thesis study. Students out there who wanted to have a guide or basis for your thesis and capstone projects, here is for you for just a penny.

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Integrated Software Application

A multimedia instructional material in Computer 12. If you are mentor of Software Application especifically Word, Excel, and Powerpoint Presentation.

It really helps a lot those mentors who are teaching this subject. Grab your own copy now and start using it.


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