Posts Tagged ‘chrome’

Bug: No data received

If you browse using Chrome or Opera, you may have come across times that the browser just displays an error message saying it didn’t load the page as it “Received No Data” and it asks you to reload the page (or in case of Opera, just shows the error message and nothing else).

Recently, this has been happening a bit too often (before it happened to me only twice or thrice in a day, not it happens once or twice every hour or sometimes even more), I looked into the issue and it seems Google Chrome still hasn’t fixed the issue!topic/chrome/E9OS9mS6yc8%5B426-450-false%5D

The bellow mentioned fix doesn’t fix the issue 100%, but reduces the amount of times you face this problem!

  • Sign in to “Chrome” (the browser, yes) to save your bookmarks, passwords & other browser data. To sign in to Chrome, just open the options tab (located at the top right beside the address bar) and there will be an option to sign in.
  • Un-install Chrome (since you saved all your data, don’t worry you’ll get it back!)
  • Install Chrome from the Google Chrome site (it ensures you get the absolute latest version). Log-in to Chrome again to regain all your bookmarks & browser data.

Re-installing may remove the problem completely, but it will help reduce the amount of times this happens.

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