Posts Tagged ‘protestants’

#4 Have you ever asked why?

…Protestants claim that man can be Saved by faith alone?

Protestantism teaches that all a person needs in order to be saved is to have faith in christ; he does not have to do good works:

“…Protestantism rests firmly upon the belief that God deals directly with man as a person, so that salvation is gained by ‘faith alone’,”(Leslie J. Dunstan, ed. Protestantism. p.ix)

“Protestant Principles
“1. Justification by faith in Christ. Man can be saved only by faith in Christ. Man can be saved only by faith in Christ, not by good works. Good works are the outgrowth of faith in Christ.”(Marvin L. Galbreath. 20 Centuries of Christianility. p.2)

BUT THE BIBLE teaches that man cannot be justified and be saved by faith alone. Faith in Christ should go hand in hand with good works or obedience to God’s will for a person to be justified and to inherit the kingdomof heaven:

“What does it profit, my brethen, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?

“Thus also faith b itself, if itdoes not have works, is dead.

“You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” (js. 2:14,7,24,New King james version)

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’,sahll enter the kingdom of heaven, buthe who does the will of my Father in heaven, but he who does the will of MY Father in heaven.” (Mt. 7:21,lbid.)

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