#14 Have you ever asked why?

…Catholicism teaches that god is subject to Mary?

St. Louis Mary de Montfort said that god is subjected to Mary, mother of our lord Jesus Christ , and that he receives her request as commands:

ā€œWhen the saints tell us that all thing in heaven and on earth, including god himself, are subjected to the bless Virgin, they mean that the authority god gave her is so great that she appears to have the same power as the trinity, and that her prayers and request have such an effect upon god that he receives them as commands.ā€(True devotion to Mary . p. 9)

BUT THE BIBLE doesnā€™t say so. It was Mary who subjected herself to god, and not the other way around. No one can be greater than God, for He is above all:

ā€œBut the angel said to her,ā€™Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with god. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.ā€™ā€¦
ā€œā€™I am the lordā€™s servantā€™, Mary Answered.ā€™may it be to me as you have saidā€™. Then the angel left her.ā€(Lk. 1:30-31,38., New International Version)

ā€œOne God and Father of allā€”who is above all, and through all, and in you all.ā€Eph.4:6, New King James Version)



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