[sociallocker id=”1096″] [/sociallocker]
I. Install the plugin
1. Download https://erickabuzo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gdstar.zip
2. Login at your domain.cu.cc/blog/wp-admin
3. In your wordpress dashboard, go to plugins and click add new
4. Click upload, and select the gdstar.zip from your computer
5. Click activate plugin.
II. How to display BLOG rating at the sidebar
1. After installing and activating the plugin, all of your articles has a star rating at the bottom.
2. Visit your articles, rate it and try yourself.
3. Now, go to Appearance menu, and select widgets.
4. At the available widgets (left side), click and drag “GD Blog Rating” to the right to the top of the widget area
5. Input “Blog Rating” at the title box and click save.
6. Visit your domain.cu.cc/blog and see the output.
7. If you can’t see the rating, you must rate at least one of your article.
8. Share your blogsite to your friends and ask them to rate it.
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