Archive of ‘My Class’ category

Final Project & Exam for Networking Subject

I. Final Examination

Failing in prelim exam and midterm exam is really a big problem of passing the whole subject. With this online activity, you are able to cope with it at least by having an online exam instead of written exam.

With online exam, you can open your lecture notes, use your cellphone to ask someone about the answer, look after google, or even take the exam together with your classmates. Oops. Don’t forget the timer? At least 1 hour for this 60 item online exam. The 50 total points will be computed and the rest will be additional points.

If you don’t feel taking this exam and afraid of losing 10 pesos for the 30 minutes or 20 pesos for the 1 hour exam, then you can see me and take examination! But you are not allowed to open your notes, and should strictly follow the rules!

Upon reading this, you may take the examination now. Login at , open the class, and click quizzes at the left side and start taking the online exam.

Online Exam Schedule: 12AM October 13 to October 14 12Midnight. Take the online exam anytime you want.

If you failed to take the exam in the scheduled time, a set of new test questions will be given in a new scheduled time.

Beware: I knew if you we’re cheating. If someone tells me that someone took the exam in your behalf, sorry no more explanation! You know what I mean!

II. Final Project

Project submission as agreed is expected to be submitted last friday, October 9, 2015 and extended until today October 12, 2015 of 12 midnight.

Well, it is also common that some always didn’t make it on the deadline. I am sorry I can accept your projects if you will comply to any of the following options:

  • Submit the video at youtube, send me the URL via facebook message, and burn & submit the video in CD w/ label. – October 13, 2015
  • Create a new video connecting three computers, submit the video at youtube, send me the URL via facebook message. – October 15, 2015.

If still you can’t comply with it, you can still comply with it but you must connect five computers which is until march 2016. But you have an INComplete grade!

My Student’s Last Activity

Hi Guys! May I congratulate you for coming this far in our subject. I know you already exerted efforts to finish this subject. Even I was that strict in implementing such rules, you still maintain your patience and tried your best to be a good and responsible student.

Before I finally compute your grades, I want to give you last activity which you can earn reward points to be added in your assignment, quiz points as well as exam points.

1. Rate me as your teacher – 5pts

Visit this link – RATE ME
Please rate me as honest as you are. Just be true to yourselves.

“Teacher should teach the students the right way! Disciplined students are better employees and businessmen someday!”

2. Like and Share HostScripter Fanpage – 5pts

Please click LIKE button and ask your friend to like it too.
If you’ll help HostScripter reached 2,500 likes then you’ll get 5pts.
Hoping you can do it for a limited time.

3. Online Class’ Full Profile – 3pts

While you are login at online class, go to your account and upload your photo and complete other profile details.

4. Comment at my page – 5pts

Visit Write a comment with your photo answering Who Am I? or should I say, Who is Sir Erick for you?

Who Am I?

Hello again! Thank you for your the patience you shared as my student. Can you describe me now “WHO AM I?”.

Can you write your answer it in one sentence? Who Am I?

Please write your comment below and don’t forget to put your picture. Do not be afraid to post negative. Just one sentence, please! For more info check this Freeslotscentral free slots no deposit

WordPress as Final Project

Final Project Development


1. You must have complete profile HTML website (
2. You must have a complete blogsite (

Note: Consequences are already cancelled, but I have deducted to your grades.


Convert your /profile into a wordpress personal website.

Thus you have /profile, /blog, and the root (domain only) no slashes.

final project =
midterm project =
prelim project =

Personal Website Example

Development Guidelines

As you can see in the image:
1. All menus of your /profile should be recreated in your newly personal wordpress site.
2. These menus are made from PAGES
3. The submenus of favorites are MUSIC, VIDEOS, OTHERS page, etc
4. The submenus of gallery are MY PHOTOS, FAMILY, FRIENDS, LOVERS page
5. Submenus are popups menus when pointer is pointed to gallery or favorites
6. Autobiography page can be ONE PAGE only
7. Music and Video pages can be ONE PAGE only
8. The same requirements to gallery (6pics/page in self photos, 4pics/page in family/friends/lovers)
9. In the header, you MAY use your own banner/logo but take note of your full name and the word “official personal website” below.
10. At the sidebar, the gd-blog-rating, recent articles, related sites, chatbox, facebook-profile, who’s online are required to be displayed. You can add as many widgets you want.
11. Include /blog and /profile links in the related sites.
12. Create a POST with the title WELCOME and create any welcome message you want showcasing your personal website. Look for the option STICKY before publishing, to make the article posted always on TOP.
13. Create any article of any category you want.
14. Gather STARS.


Blogsite: Checking starts on LOVE day

On February 14, 2015, Saturday, the midterm project checking will start. The 18 days time frame that was given to you is enough to finish your respective blosite project.

Even though I will start on the said date, you can still negotiate to those who will check you if you have not fully finished yet your blogsite. Remember the guidelines?

Now, visit this link to check the domains/numbers/names of your ratees (those you will rate) –

Here are the online checking forms for you to use. Use your respective sections.

Blogsite Checking is ended!

Note: I know your IP addresses/Mac Addresses, time when you are checking, and whose with you while rating them.


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