Archive of ‘Tutorials’ category

How to fix changing domain or website transfer’s problem?

If you have experienced changing your domain or migrate to another server, you might have headache after seeing the outcome it has done to your website. The issues are images didn’t appear, broken links, unpleasant design looks if you’re using cms, and the worst is you can see nothing or just an error message.

With this problem, many relies on paying fees for the fix for this problem to a hired freelancer, or with their hosting provider. Don’t you know that you can fix this with just few steps? Just follow these procedures:

  1. Go to your cpanel url (ex:
  2. Input your username and password to login
  3. Look for phpMyAdmin and select it
  4. If you were asked for login details, reinput your login details
  5. Now that you are at phpMyAdmin window, pls select your database on the left side (ex: prefix wp_ for wordpress)
  6. Click wp_options, and click the pencil icon on the row of siteurl
  7. Edit the value of the url from to
  8. Finally click save.

How to make your smartphones as Wifi Access point?

If your phone has a wifi feature, then maybe you have also a hotspot capability. Android phones has this feature, and here are the steps on how to activate it:

Most android smartphones can follow this steps.

  1. Go to your phone’s setting
  2. Choose Wireless and Networks
  3. Select Tethering and Portable hotspot
  4. Activate “Portable WiFi hotspot” by tapping the grayed check icon. It should turn green/yellow green if activated.
  5. Optional: You need to configure the name and security at Portable WiFi hotspot setting.

How to include search engine into your website?

There’s an easy way on how to include search engine into your website. Instead of coding your own search engine, why not embed the top and best search engines into your site? The better one is a search engine that has a feature of searching into your website contents aside from searching the whole web.

Here are some codes you may want for your website to be a search engine:


<!– Begin Google! Search Form –>
<!– Use of this code assumes agreement with the Google Custom Search Terms of Service. –>
<!– The terms of service are available at /coop/docs/cse/tos.html –>
<form name=”cse” id=”searchbox_demo” action=””&gt;
  <input type=”hidden” name=”cref” value=”” />
  <input name=”q” type=”text” size=”40″ />
  <input type=”submit” name=”sa” value=”Search” />
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;
<!– End Google! Search Form –>



<!– Yahoo! Search –>
<form method=get action=””&gt;
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr><td><div style=”border: 1px solid #999; padding: 5px 4px 5px 3px;”><a href=””&gt;
<img src=”; align=”absmiddle” border=0></a>
<input type=”text” name=”p” size=25>
<input type=”hidden” name=”fr” value=”yscpb”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Search”></div></td></tr>
<!– End Yahoo! Search –>

<!– Yahoo! Search –>
<form method=get action=””&gt;
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr><td><div style=”border: 1px solid #999; padding: 5px 4px 5px 3px;”><a href=””&gt;
<img src=”; align=”left” border=0></a>
<input type=”text” name=”p” size=29>
<input type=”hidden” name=”fr” value=”yscpb”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Search”><br><font size=”-2″ face=”arial, helvetica”><input type=”radio” style=”vertical-align: middle” checked>Search the web   <input type=”radio” name=”vs” style=”vertical-align: middle” value=”YOUR SITE DOMAIN”>Search this site</font></div></td></tr>
<!– End Yahoo! Search –>


Did you Forget your Password in your WordPress?

There are the TWO steps on how to RESET your WordPress Password if you Forgot it.

I. Thru Forgot Password option in wp-admin

1.   Go to your blog’s admin URL (ex:
2.   Click the link LOST YOUR PASSWORD?


4.   Open your email address (email address you used when you created the account or open your phpmyadmin to check what email address you used) to see the instructions for resetting your password. If you can’t see it in your inbox, it may be located in your spam folder.


II. Thru PhpMyAdmin in CPanel

1.   Login to your Cpanel
2.   Go to PhpMyAdmin

3.   From the PhpMyAdmin Window, Select what wordpress database you will manage. If you have only one wordpress site, you can see only one wp databse.

4.   In the list of fields displayed, select the field USER.

5.   Now, select a user account to modify. (ex: admin)

6.   From the list, you can edit the password by selecting MD5 as function in user_pass field, and replacing the hash/encrypted password w/ a raw one.

7.   Click GO to save it.
8.   Visit now your /wp-admin and start managing your blogsite.

How to capture the screen of Galaxy Y?

Sometimes we wanted to copy certain text in an android application but it is disabled. With this, most users have to write it down to their notes. You should know that there’s a very easy and no-hassle way to have a copy of it.

Here are the steps on How to capture the screen of Samsung Galaxy Y?

  1. Go to any screen you want to save in you Samsung Galaxy phone.
  2. Press Home button. And Press Immediately the Power button while holding the Home button.
  3. Release the Power button, and followed by the Home button.
Note: A message “Screen Captured” will appear if you have successfully made it. If it’s not, the task manager will be displayed.


.tk free domain: Alternative for!

You should change your Domains NOW!

Since domains are already banned and deleted, all domains should be replaced, for us to use our existing hosting account.

•   You may apply for a new domain at or search google for any free domain service.

•   It is suggested that you should not change your domain url. Only the should be changed. Ex: —>

•   Sometimes, if your domain has a commercial value, it would cost you some money. You should repeat the process, and input another domain name. Tip: You should not register domains which contain words that is located in the dictionary.



•   While you are in the process of .tk registration, click the “USE DNS”, input the nameservers (ex: and and the equivalent IP address of each nameserver (can be determine by going to command prompt and type “ping”).

•   After successful registration, send an email to your respective hosting provider requesting for the change of your domain name from to

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