.tk free domain: Alternative for .co.cc!

You should change your Domains NOW!

Since .co.cc domains are already banned and deleted, all .co.cc domains should be replaced, for us to use our existing hosting account.

•   You may apply for a new domain at http://www.dot.tk or search google for any free domain service.

•   It is suggested that you should not change your domain url. Only the .co.cc should be changed. Ex: juandelacruz.co.cc —> juandelacruz.tk.

•   Sometimes, if your domain has a commercial value, it would cost you some money. You should repeat the process, and input another domain name. Tip: You should not register domains which contain words that is located in the dictionary.



•   While you are in the process of .tk registration, click the “USE DNS”, input the nameservers (ex: ns1.hostscripter.com and ns2.hostscripter.com) and the equivalent IP address of each nameserver (can be determine by going to command prompt and type “ping ns1.hostscripter.com”).

•   After successful registration, send an email to your respective hosting provider requesting for the change of your domain name from previousdomain.co.cc to newdomain.tk.



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